Works of Flesh - Galatians 5

"Father God, please guide me as I write this article based on Your Word. Help me to write this to glorify You, and let Your words bring clarity to those who seek You. May Your truth help people discern and embrace correct beliefs. I pray and seek everything in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen."

Hi there my Brothers and Sisters in Christ! In the Bible, Galatians 5:19-21 lists what are called the "works of the flesh." These are things that can pull us away from God and hurt our relationship with Him and others. Each term has a deep meaning and can be a real struggle for many people. Let's dive into each one, understand what it means, and see how it affects us.

1. Sexual Immorality (Greek: πορνεία, porneia)

Sexual immorality, or "porneia" in Greek, includes all kinds of sexual activities outside of marriage, like adultery (cheating on your spouse) and fornication (having sex before marriage). These actions can cause a lot of pain and hurt not only to the people involved but also to their families and communities. God wants us to keep sex within marriage because it’s a special and sacred gift. When we ignore this, we often end up feeling guilty and ashamed. This can lead to broken families, emotional wounds, and a feeling of being unclean. God, however, offers forgiveness and healing to those who turn to Him.

2. Impurity (Greek: ἀκαθαρσία, akatharsia)

Impurity, or "akatharsia," means being morally unclean in thoughts, words, and actions. This isn't just about what we do; it's also about what we think and say. Dirty thoughts, bad language, and sinful actions make us impure. It’s like having a dirty heart, and only God can make us clean again. We need to ask Him for help to think and act in ways that please Him. Impurity can seep into our lives slowly, making us comfortable with little sins that grow over time. It’s important to keep our hearts and minds pure by filling them with God’s Word and focusing on good things.

3. Debauchery (Greek: ἀσέλγεια, aselgeia)

Debauchery, or "aselgeia," is when someone acts in an unrestrained and shameless way, indulging in sinful behaviors without any self-control. This could be partying too much, getting drunk, or doing anything that shows a lack of respect for what is good and right. Living like this can make us feel empty and lost. God wants us to live with self-control and respect for ourselves and others. Debauchery often leads to destructive habits and addiction. It’s a slippery slope that can ruin lives. But God calls us to a higher standard, one that brings true joy and satisfaction.

4. Idolatry (Greek: εἰδωλολατρία, eidololatria)

Idolatry, or "eidololatria," is worshipping idols or anything that takes the place of God in our lives. Idols can be things like money, fame, or even other people. When we put these things above God, we are practicing idolatry. This can lead to disappointment because only God can truly satisfy our deepest needs. We need to put God first in everything we do. Idolatry can be subtle, sneaking into our lives in the form of materialism or even obsessive hobbies. Recognizing and removing these idols is crucial for a healthy spiritual life.

5. Sorcery (Greek: φαρμακεία, pharmakeia)

Sorcery, or "pharmakeia," originally meant using drugs or potions in magical practices. Today, it can also mean trying to control our lives or others through forbidden spiritual practices. This can be very dangerous and lead us away from God. Trusting in God and His power is the safest and best way to live. Sorcery represents a desire for control and power outside of God’s will, often leading to dark and harmful consequences. Embracing God’s guidance and protection is the path to true security.

6. Hatred (Greek: ἔχθρα, echthra)

Hatred, or "echthra," is intense hostility or anger towards others. Holding onto hatred can poison our hearts and destroy our relationships. It can make us miserable and alone. God calls us to love others, even those who hurt us, and to forgive them as He forgives us. Hatred breeds bitterness and resentment, eating away at our peace and happiness. Learning to forgive and let go is key to experiencing God’s love and peace.

7. Discord (Greek: ἔρις, eris)

Discord, or "eris," means having quarrels and disputes because of selfishness. It’s when we argue and fight with others instead of getting along. This can break friendships and create tension in families and communities. God wants us to live in peace and harmony with everyone. Discord often stems from pride and an unwillingness to compromise. Seeking to understand and reconcile with others reflects God’s desire for unity among His people.

8. Jealousy (Greek: ζῆλος, zelos)

Jealousy, or "zelos," is feeling envious of what others have and wanting it for ourselves. This can make us feel bitter and unhappy. Instead of being jealous, we should be content with what we have and be happy for others when they are blessed. God has good plans for each of us, and we can trust Him to provide what we need. Jealousy can rob us of joy and gratitude, leading to a constant state of dissatisfaction. Embracing contentment and thankfulness brings peace and fulfillment.

9. Fits of Rage (Greek: θυμοί, thumoi)

Fits of rage, or "thumoi," are explosive outbursts of anger. When we lose our temper, we can hurt others with our words and actions. This can lead to regret and broken relationships. God wants us to control our anger and respond with patience and kindness. Rage can cause deep wounds, both to ourselves and others, that are difficult to heal. Practicing self-control and seeking God’s peace can transform our reactions and relationships.

10. Selfish Ambition (Greek: ἐριθεῖαι, eritheiai)

Selfish ambition, or "eritheiai," is seeking personal gain at the expense of others. This means putting ourselves first and not caring about who we hurt to get what we want. This can lead to loneliness and failure. God calls us to serve others and seek His will, which brings true joy and fulfillment. Selfish ambition blinds us to the needs of others, creating a barrier to genuine connection and love. Serving others selflessly reflects Christ’s love and brings lasting joy.

11. Dissensions (Greek: διχοστασίαι, dichostasiai)

Dissensions, or "dichostasiai," are divisions caused by disagreements and differing opinions. This can create conflicts and divide people who should be united. God wants us to work together and value each other’s perspectives, promoting unity and peace. Dissensions weaken the body of Christ, making it difficult to achieve common goals and support one another. Striving for unity and understanding fosters a strong, loving community.

12. Factions (Greek: αἱρέσεις, hairesis)

Factions, or "hairesis," are groups formed around specific beliefs or ideologies, leading to division. This can create an us-versus-them mentality and destroy community. God wants us to be inclusive and loving towards everyone, breaking down barriers and building bridges. Factions create an environment of exclusion and judgment, contrary to God’s inclusive love. Embracing diversity and promoting unity builds a stronger, more compassionate community.

13. Envy (Greek: φθόνοι, phthonoi)

Envy, or "phthonoi," is resenting others for their blessings and wanting what they have. This can lead to bitterness and a lack of gratitude for our own blessings. We should be thankful for what God has given us and celebrate others’ successes. Envy corrodes our hearts, preventing us from experiencing true joy and contentment. Cultivating a heart of gratitude transforms our perspective and brings peace.

14. Drunkenness (Greek: μέθαι, methai)

Drunkenness, or "methai," means drinking too much alcohol and losing control of our actions. This can lead to bad decisions and harm to ourselves and others. God wants us to be sober and make wise choices, taking care of our bodies and minds. Drunkenness impairs our judgment and self-control, leading to regrettable actions and consequences. Living a sober and mindful life honors God and protects our well-being.

15. Orgies (Greek: κῶμοι, komoi)

Orgies, or "komoi," refer to wild parties with excessive drinking and immoral behavior. These activities can leave us feeling empty and ashamed. God wants us to live with self-respect and dignity, finding joy in wholesome and good activities. Orgies represent a lifestyle of excess and indulgence, ultimately leading to emptiness and regret. Choosing a path of moderation and integrity brings lasting fulfillment and joy.

Wrapping up

The works of the flesh, as outlined in Galatians 5:19-21, are serious and harmful behaviors that can destroy our relationship with God and others. Each one is a real struggle that many of us face. Understanding these sins helps us see where we need God’s help and grace.

Living by the Spirit, as the Bible teaches, means turning away from these harmful behaviors and allowing God to produce good fruit in our lives. These fruits include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

We all struggle with different sins, but God is always ready to help us overcome them. By seeking His guidance and relying on His strength, we can live a life that honors Him and brings true happiness and fulfillment. Let’s be vigilant against the works of the flesh and strive to walk in the Spirit every day.


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