
Showing posts from July, 2024

Why Diet is Easy, But Fasting is Hard

As Christians, we are called to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and   follow Jesus (Matthew 16:24). One of the most effective ways to do this is  through prayer, fasting, and giving. While dieting can be a challenge,   fasting is an altogether different story. In fact, many people who have   successfully lost weight and maintained their dietary goals often struggle   with fasting. But why is that? To understand the difference between dieting and fasting, we need to start   by defining what each entails. Dieting refers to the process of   restricting certain foods or macronutrients in order to achieve a specific   goal, such as losing weight or improving overall health. Fasting, on the   other hand, involves abstaining from all food and drink for a period of   time, often accompanied by prayer and meditation. From a physical perspective, dieting can be easier because it allows us to   still consume some calories while restricting others. This approach gives   our bodies a chance to a

Exploring English Bible Versions: Differences and Choosing the Right One

"Father God, please guide me as I write this article based on Your Word. Help me to write this to glorify You, and let Your words bring clarity to those who seek You. May Your truth help people discern and embrace correct beliefs. I pray and seek everything in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen." Hi there my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!  As Christians, we have a deep love and respect for the Holy Scriptures. The Bible is our guide, our comfort, and  our source of inspiration. But have you ever stopped to think about the many different versions of the Bible that  exist? From King James Version (KJV) to New International Version (NIV), each translation has its own unique  characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. It's fascinating to consider how these variations have emerged over  time, shaped by the cultural, historical, and linguistic contexts in which they were written.  The history of Bible translations dates back to the 14th century when John

Holy Spirit is a Person

"Father God, please guide me as I write this article based on Your Word. Help me to write this to glorify You, and let Your words bring clarity to those who seek You. May Your truth help people discern and embrace correct beliefs. I pray and seek everything in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen." Hi there my Brothers and Sisters in Christ! The Holy Spirit is a profound and essential part of the Christian faith, yet He is often misunderstood or under-represented in teachings and sermons. While we often refer to Him as a Spirit, a force, or an influence, it is crucial to recognize and embrace the truth that the Holy Spirit is a Person. He is magnificent and above all, He is an intimate and personal presence in our lives. Understanding the Holy Spirit as a Person deepens our relationship with God and enriches our spiritual journey. Let's explore this truth with biblical references and delve into aspects of the Holy Spirit that are not commonly taught. The