My Second Experience which I can't Explain by the Natural Laws - Testimony

"Father God, please guide me as I write this article based on Your Word. Help me to write this to glorify You, and let Your words bring clarity to those who seek You. May Your truth help people discern and embrace correct beliefs. I pray and seek everything in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen."

Hi there fellow believers in Christ! My heart still races when I recall that extraordinary day when Jebi, JS, and their adorable Baby NES prayed for me while sitting in a car, changing my life forever. Jebi, my spiritual sister, is a wonderful woman whose spiritual wisdom has guided me through the most challenging moments of my Christian journey. Although I had known her for 14 years, this was the first time I had the chance to meet her and her husband, JS.

JS is a young parent and a lovely husband. I can't help but admire the maturity he carries, and it's evident that God has gifted him with patience and wisdom. Despite his young age, he conducted himself very maturely, unlike me (old but immature). He explained the concept of deliverance so beautifully that I could visualize it vividly. He possesses a genuine compassion and selflessness in helping other Christians on their journey. It didn't feel like I was meeting him for the first time; it was as if I was reuniting with an old friend after a long time. We had a long, interesting conversation while Jebi was busy pacifying the baby.

JS sat beside me, while Jebi and Baby NES sat in the backseat of their car. Her presence was a beacon of light and comfort. As we settled into the car, Jebi offered to pray for me, her words filled with a sincerity that touched the deepest corners of my soul. Little did I know that her prayer would unleash a series of inexplicable events that would leave me breathless and transformed. As Jebi's words filled the car, a sensation unlike anything I had ever experienced enveloped me. It felt like a gentle yet powerful breeze had swept into the vehicle, surrounding me with an otherworldly comfort. I was surprised to feel myself lifting slightly, just barely a foot upward and backward, in a slow and steady motion, almost like a roller coaster moving backward and upward at a gradual pace that didn't cause alarm. It seemed as though a loving and mighty force had taken hold of me, helping me release an unseen burden I had unknowingly carried.

My body swayed softly, first to the left and then to the right, as if guided by an unseen hand. With each movement, a surge of liberating energy coursed through me, releasing me from the grip of whatever had been weighing me down. Time seemed to stand still as I was cradled in that divine embrace, and the love and support of my dear friends, combined with the undeniable power of prayer, guided me through a life-altering encounter with the divine.

I have been prayed for, I have been in prayer, and people have prayed powerful prayers for me, which include speaking in tongues and proclamation in spirits. But Jebi prayed a very simple prayer. To an outsider, it would have been nothing extraordinary. When it was over, I felt changed, renewed, and forever grateful for the profound spiritual awakening I had experienced in the company of my cherished friends Jebi, JS, and their Baby NES.

When she finished, I was moved to pray for Baby NES. I am a shy, humble person who doesn't initiate prayer. However, this time, I had no shyness. I was determined to pray. So, I requested the wonderful parent of Baby NES (I started calling him NES Kutty) if I could pray for him. It was revealed to me to pray about the light of God shining through NES Kutty. I don't have the gift of prophecy, but this time, I could. I feel grateful for this lovely family. Grateful to God for having these lovely brothers and sisters in my life. I feel like I am the most blessed person in the world!

These events took place on the evening of April 22, 2023.

It's been a week since that remarkable Monday. I took a week to write it all down because I wanted to understand everything before sharing my thoughts. I feel a conviction to write what I believe. I wanted to be sure it wasn't some psychological phenomenon and that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. Although I believe in the supernatural, I was under the impression that only those who are gifted could sense such things. As a new Christian, I thought I would live and die without witnessing anything extraordinary. I saw this as more of a burden since people with such gifts would be held accountable for them on Judgment Day, and how they utilized their gifts would be weighed. Being a simple person, I didn't want to complicate things. But the events that have unfolded in my personal life are nothing short of a miracle. What has been happening to me, I was sure I wasn't capable of.

Starting April 24th, I began experiencing heightened sensitivity to spirits and have become able to discern and understand deception. I'm learning to verify these spiritual encounters. I've been led to pray aloud, and this past Sunday, I was able to exhort in church. I've reached out to people for whom I can pray. Even my college friends, whom I had lost touch with, reconnected with me and shared that they had discovered the saving knowledge of Christ. I've been able to pray in my dreams and break free from nightmares. I can now identify curses and strongholds in my life. I don't usually like taking on responsibilities, but when the church elder mentioned assigning some to me, I didn't shy away.

I am saying this with absolute humility – I am not at all capable of any of these things on my own. I am the kind of person who, when life becomes overwhelming, likes to close the door, bury my face in a pillow, and cry until I fall asleep. I don't even know where this fighting spirit is coming from. I don't have a logical explanation for anything. This is only possible through God, and I am simply enjoying this journey. I am still jobless, facing health issues, and my family is falling apart, but God's grace is surpassing all these struggles, even in the midst of high spiritual warfare.


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