Dreams, or Is it a Nightmare?

 "Father God, please guide me as I write this article based on Your Word. Help me to write this to glorify You, and let Your words bring clarity to those who seek You. May Your truth help people discern and embrace correct beliefs. I pray and seek everything in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen."

Hi there fellow believers in Christ! I like to recommend watching the sermon by Pastor Abilash from NLAG on Dreams rather than reading the blog. He had given extensive details and practical suggestions.

I have been experiencing nightmares for a while now. Up until recently, my understanding was that dreams are merely reflections of my own thoughts. Over a period of a few months, I had dreams in which I encountered people I had never met before, yet somehow recognized. There were also recurring patterns in my dreams, such as a constant feeling of terror due to something I had committed, a pervasive sense of shame, or overwhelming anxiety. I attributed these dreams to unresolved childhood trauma or forgotten events from my past.

I came across a recorded sermon by Pastor Abilash from NLAG, which provided a fresh perspective on dreams. In the sermon, he suggested that dreams could also be externally influenced, an intriguing idea that resonated with me. One piece of advice he shared was that during sleep, if one has a nightmare, calling upon the name of Jesus can break the nightmare. I contemplated this thought and, surprisingly, that very same night, I had a dream that put this advice to the test.

I found myself in a desert, confronted by a mysterious figure resembling a man, akin to a simple sketch by a three-year-old child. Though initially fearful, I felt protected by a shield I held. As more figures appeared, I grew confident in my defensive capabilities, even though I lacked offensive options. However, my confidence faltered when one of the figures managed to push its hands and head through my shield. In a moment of terror, I called out "Jesus," and, just as Pastor Abilash had said, the dream abruptly ended. This experience was quite unusual for me, as I rarely remember two dreams in a single night. Perhaps the ending of the second dream allowed me to recall the previous one more vividly.

In another dream, I had a strong determination to fix a beloved pair of Woodland shoes. The tongue of one shoe had come loose due to poor stitching, and I had been meaning to repair it but kept putting it off. In the dream, I finally decided to address the issue, but as I attempted to fix it by taking it to shoe stitcher, I noticed all the stitches unraveled, and the pieces started falling apart. Despite this setback, I gathered the parts, put them in a cloth bag, and remained determined to find a way to fix the shoe and use it my heart's content

Both of these dreams left me reflecting on the significance of spiritual guidance and the power of perseverance in overcoming the obstacles that confront us in our daily lives.

Diving In

Nightmares can be scary, leaving us feeling unsettled and disturbed. Sometimes, they're caused by stress, anxiety, or past experiences. While the Bible doesn't talk about nightmares specifically(or I am not aware of), it does offer guidance on facing fear and seeking comfort in God.

Nightmares and Fear

Nightmares can bring feelings of fear, worry, or dread. But the Bible tells us to trust in God, who is greater than any fear: "Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me" (Psalm 23:4). When we face nightmares, we can remember that God is always with us, ready to provide comfort and strength.

God's Comfort in Nightmares

If we call on God during frightening dreams, we can find peace in His presence. In the Bible, people often cried out to God when they were afraid or in danger, like when David said: "I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears" (Psalm 34:4). By turning to God during nightmares, we invite His calming presence into our lives.


Calling upon the name of Jesus will end any evil interferences. For a simpleton like me, there can't be any more comfort. To do this, we must also be faithful, have at most faith in Christ's Authority

Finding Hope in Nightmares

Though nightmares can be unpleasant, they can also give us a chance to reflect on our lives and grow in our faith. The Bible says: "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance" (Romans 5:3). Nightmares may lead us to explore our emotions, connect with God, and seek healing for past hurts.

Nightmares and Prayer

Prayer is a powerful tool to cope with nightmares. We can pray for protection from scary dreams, for understanding their meanings, or for peace of mind. The Bible says: "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done" (Philippians 4:6). Through prayer, we invite God's love and guidance into our lives, finding comfort during difficult times.

Wrapping It Up

While nightmares can be frightening, they can also be an opportunity to lean on God and grow in faith. Remember to turn to God for comfort, pray for guidance, and trust that He is greater than any fear. By doing so, we can face nightmares with courage and hope, knowing that we are never alone.


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