
Father, help me write this testimony. Bless this to touch a lost sheep of yours. Thank you for this wonderful experience.

Am sharing my testimony that happened today. I am writing this today for a reason. If I give my mind a break it will add up and subtract details. Am blessed with good imagination. So, I like to share my testimony the exact way it happened.

2.5 years ago, I was working in a multinational firm. It was like a first job for me. I loved my job a lot. Had loads of new friends. I loved this new experience. I felt like am settled. I was like on top of the world.i had nothing to worry. Though it was a night shift job, I kinda adapted to it. Unlike my other jobs, I was dedicated to this particular Job. In that firm throughout the year I never bunked a single day. I was so attached to my job. Though I got better offers, I didn't want to move on. Major reason being my new colleagues whom I don't want to miss. They were like a family. I loved the way they cared for me. I felt like the youngest sibling of them.

And due to some issues I was terminated from work. It was my favorite job. I was shattered. All I could think of is dark days ahead. All doors were shut. Anything I love, I end up losing it. I felt like a moving curse. It was like a shame. Being terminated is the worst nightmare for me. And I got into few other jobs, few extra courses. I moved on but still with a pain of shame. Whenever I cross that previous workplace. An unknown heaviness gets into me. I remember that fateful day. And all my hard work going waste. I curse myself for being a loser. I went and prayed to God to wipe away my shame. God's only answer was silence. But, I end up seeing boards with words 'Trust in Jesus'. I felt like God put this signboard on my path to encourage.

Today. 2.5 years later the same firm called me. Offered me 2.5 times my current pay grade. ( :D maybe I should have waited 5 years for 5 times or 10 years for 10... Lol, I shouldn't be greedy). Its totally God's miracle. God just didn't wiped away my shame. He made the same people who once rejected me to do it. It's true, GOD GIVES BEAUTY FOR ASHES.

Honestly speaking, I would never have come out of that firm if I had chance. It was my comfort zone. God pushed me out of my comfort zone. He made me go through a tough phase. But it was all for my destiny. And there is a saying, Good things comes to people who trust in God. But I didn't trusted God. All I did was complaining. But still God showered his blessing upon me. If God can shower his blessing on someone like me. How blessed are those who put their trust on him. Trust in Him. The uncomfortable phase you are going through is only for one reason. God has a purpose for it. You have a greater destiny ahead



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