How to overcome the urge to lie?

"Father God, please guide me as I write this article based on Your Word. Help me to write this to glorify You, and let Your words bring clarity to those who seek You. May Your truth help people discern and embrace correct beliefs. I pray and seek everything in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen."

How to overcome the urge to lie. This is that particular sin that we believers doesn't care much about.  We consider it as an acceptable sin. We got used to it.

What is a lie?
When we say something that's not true, that is a lie.
When we hide a truth it is also a lie.
When we alter few details that's a lie too.
When we talk something that we don't have an idea about.
When we want to be listened, we tend to add and remove few facts. That could be added to lies too.
But, lie is everything that is not true. An average person lies 4 times a day.

What's our attitude towards lie?
In reality we just don't see the seriousness of a lie. Its still an acceptable sin in our view. Its a small thing. What possibly a small sin could do. It can't harm anyone. There is a saying one lie ll make you say 9 more to cover it up. 1 lie = 1+9 lies = 10 lies. Cool. What's wrong with 10 lies? If it doesn't hurt anyone? Isn't it totally fine if its said for something good?

Nope... The major reason for end of marriages is Lies. Not just marriages, relationships and friendships ends up with lies. I try my best not to lie thinking of the embarrassment that it might put me through.

Most of the problems that we are stuck in these days, the root cause will be a lie. Most of the friends I lost, were due to lies. Either I lied to them, they lied to me or I lied to myself. Gossip is another reason to lie. When we gossip we tend to add few facts ;)

How to overcome this urge to lie?
Let's imagine, we are put in a situation, where the only escape will be a lie...

"I finished the homework but forgot the note in home" My most favorite lie and its the most common one during our school days. I did slipped away from punishment most of the times. When a lie can save my life what could be wrong with it?

Here is a contradiction. I got used to saying this lie and ended up being lazy. And one day my teacher caught me red handed and everyone can guess what would have happened to me next :-D

But, I was a curious teenager and I didn't learnt my lesson by then. It was in my early twenties where I had to lie, to my Dad. By then I realized lie will lead to bigger trouble. So I prayed to God. Father, I have no other choice but to lie. I don't want to sin intentionally. I have no way out. If I admit I would be kicked out of home, I didn't had a solution and all the doors were closed. And I stayed in fear the whole day. But my dad never asked that question. It was like I never had that situation to lie.

I still lie. Am a human too. Most of the time unintentionally. But I guess I reduced. All praises to the Almighty God. Whenever I think I ll have to lie, I go to God ask for his help. I have to be sincere when I ask, my only motive should be I am troubled but I don't want to fall into this sin. I shouldn't lie. There were 2 outcomes. Either the situation disappeared or God gave me strength to go through the truth. And trust me, second was awesome I felt God's presence in everything I did when I was bold enough to admit the truth. It was not bad to avoid the situation . I had a third option few times, to put a lid in my mouth. Being silent. God will tell you to be silent.

How to overcome the urge to lie
Answer: Ask God to guide you. When you put an effort to be right. He ll do everything in your favor to make you right. When we try to change ourselves for good, he will help us in every way to become good

The sin of lying often goes unnoticed and unaddressed among Christian believers. Many of us have become desensitized to its prevalence and view it as an acceptable, minor transgression. This article will discuss the nature of lying, its consequences, and how to overcome this destructive habit.

What is a Lie?
A lie occurs when we say something that is not true.
Concealing the truth also constitutes a lie.
Altering details or fabricating information are forms of lying.
Speaking about topics we know nothing about is another type of deception.
Exaggerating or omitting facts to make ourselves more interesting is yet another form of lying.
On average, a person lies four times a day, demonstrating its pervasive nature in our lives.

Our Attitude Towards Lies
Often, we do not perceive lying as a serious issue. We downplay its significance and see it as a harmless, trivial sin. The assumption is that it can't cause any real harm. However, one lie often leads to nine more to cover it up. Thus, we end up with ten lies instead of one. Many believe that lying is justifiable if nobody gets hurt or if it serves a greater good. However, this line of thinking overlooks the potential harm it can cause.

The Consequences of Lying
Lying is a primary cause of failed marriages, damaged relationships, and broken friendships. Many problems we face today have lying as their root cause. Furthermore, lies have the potential to damage our personal integrity and our relationship with God.

How to Overcome the Urge to Lie
When facing a situation where lying seems like the only solution, consider the following steps:
Ask God for guidance and strength to resist temptation. Pray with sincerity, acknowledging your desire to avoid sinning intentionally.
Trust that God will either remove the temptation or provide the courage to speak the truth.
Practice silence when you are unsure about what to say. Sometimes, God may lead you to be silent to avoid a difficult situation.
When we put forth effort to be truthful, God will work in our favor and support us in becoming better versions of ourselves.

Personal Testimony
I struggled with lying as a teenager and into my early twenties. It was not until I faced a dire situation where lying seemed like the only way out that I turned to God for help. I realized that lying would lead to bigger problems, and I prayed for guidance. Despite fearing the consequences of telling the truth, God intervened, and I did not have to lie.
While I still occasionally struggle with lying, I have made progress in overcoming this habit. Whenever I feel tempted to lie, I ask God for help. My personal experience has shown me that when we are sincere in our desire to change and seek God's guidance, He will guide us in the right direction.

Overcoming the urge to lie is a continual process. However, when we trust in God and seek His guidance, we can grow in our ability to resist temptation and become more truthful individuals. Remember the words of Ephesians 4:25: "Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another." By striving for honesty, we can build stronger relationships, maintain our personal integrity, and honor God in all we say and do.


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